Needing assistance with a cat or kitten?
We are here to help.
We recognize life's uncertainties, especially concerning our feline friends. Our aim is to nurture the connection between cats and their caregivers. When challenges arise with a beloved pet, a found cat, or managing a cat colony, we offer guidance and support. Despite exploring all options, transitions may become necessary. During these times, we're here to assist you and your cherished feline companion on this next phase of their journey.

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Is Your Pet Lost?
Losing a pet can be a terrifying experience for any pet parent. Immediate action is crucial, but where do you start? Follow the steps below for the best chance of a reunion.
What to do immediately after your pet goes missing:
Walk the neighborhood:
Take a walk around the immediate area and speak to neighbors, postal service workers, landscapers, or anyone who may have seen your lost pet. Since you know your pet best, look in areas that they may find interesting or comfortable to hide in. Most pets are found close to home.
Share their scent:
Place a few of your pet's favorite items near the most common entryways to your home, such as the front door and the yard door. Include items like their favorite bed, blanket, toys, litter box (if a cat), and any other frequently used items. Their scents may help them find their way back.
Next Steps:
Search for your lost dog or cat on Petco Love Lost:
Partnering with Petco Love Lost allows you to search a national lost and found database and create a searchable/shareable alert for your missing pet. Upload a picture of your pet or search by location. Powered by facial recognition technology, Petco Love Lost helps match found animals to reported lost pets nationwide. Visit Petco Love Lost and start your search now! If you haven't done so already, register your pet on Petco Love Lost to create a Lost listing that can be shared and print out pre-made fliers. You can also receive fliers via text message or email.
Share on social media:
Use the sharing features on Petco Love Lost to distribute your lost pet listing on social media outlets like Facebook, Craigslist, and Nextdoor. Posting on the Nextdoor app and checking local lost and found pet groups on Facebook can be very effective, as many animals are reunited through these platforms. It’s a quick and free way to spread the word about your missing pet.
Update your pet's microchip information:
If someone finds your missing pet and has it scanned for a microchip, you want to ensure all the information is correct so you can be contacted immediately.
Check with local animal services:
Contact your local animal services, animal control, and animal shelters to see if your pet is there. An in-person visit is preferable so you can personally check if your pet is in their care. Many organizations allow you to place a lost report with them, where you can leave a photo of your pet and your contact information.
Spread the word locally:
Create large, bright posters or fliers with relevant information and place them in high-traffic areas and around where your pet went missing.
Don't give up!
Finding a lost pet can take time. Regularly check the websites where you’ve posted about your lost pet and make updates as needed. New lost and found pets are added frequently to Petco Love Lost and local shelters.